Monday, December 18, 2023

RonniesPictureJournal - 1943-000

Introduction - December 1, 1943

RonieAdventures have been occurring for over 80 years, some of which were photographed and recorded by his mother. Once Ronnie was old enough to hold a camera, he helped his mother take pictures; then, when he left home, he started taking pictures on his own. 

Ronnie has always enjoyed taking pictures, so he now has boxes of old photographs, numerous trays of slides, and a hard drive full of digital pictures. Very few people have ever seen most of the pictures, so Ronnie's Picture Journal has been created to share pictures with others and to create a picture history of Ronnie's life's adventures. 

After receiving a digital camera for Christmas in 2002, Ronnie was so thrilled with the cost of taking digital pictures that the quantity of pictures taken increased substantially. As a side benefit, all of the pictures taken with a digital camera contain the picture date taken, so pictures taken after December 25, 2002, are well organized. The dates of older pictures are generally approximated. 

Ronnie's pictures were not organized or recorded on a consistent basis until April 22, 2012, when the first RonnieAdvenure was published on the web. Since that time, RonnieAdventures have generally been published once a week, on Friday. As space permitted, some historical pictures were included in RonnieAdventures, but the older pictures did not fit well with the more recent adventures. Therefore, there was a need for a separate blog to post just historical pictures; thus, Ronnie's Picture Journal was started.  

Starting in 2023, historic pictures will be posted as time permits, but the frequency of postings will increase as older pictures are scanned into a digital format. Dates of pictures posted will be included when available. Some historic pictures that contain a travel adventure may still be posted as part of RonnieAdventures.

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