Saturday, November 1, 2003

RonniesPictureJournal 2003-011 November Pictures

2003 November Pictures

(Note: My digital camera was not working correctly, so some of my November 2003 pictures were of very poor quality.) 

November 01, 2003. Laurie and Kathryn were visiting for a few days, so we hiked in Sloan Canyon to see the petroglyphs. We also hiked up through Anniversary Narrows. 

November 02, 2003. On the way to Death Valley we stopped by the ghost town of Rhyolite and the Bottle House.

My favorite way into Death Valley is on the four-wheel-drive trail down Titus Canyon. The unimproved road passes by the ghost town of Leadville. While everyone was posing for the picture, I looked down and a large tarantula was on the ground right next to Laurie' shoe. Fortunately, she moved away before it crawled onto her shoe.

After exiting Titus Canyon, it is only a short distance to Harmony Borax Works where a twenty-mule-team wagon was on display. The wagon was used to haul Borax to the nearest railroad, which was near Mojave, 165 miles away. The Borax Works is located near what is now known as Furnace Creek (called Greenland in 1881).

On the last evening of Laurie's visit, we went out to eat and met a famous Las Vegs chef that prepared our dinner. (Sorry, I do not remember the chef's name.)

November 14, 2003. Our yard flowers were still doing well in November. 

November 28, 2003. Some of the Grandkids were here for Thanksgiving, so we shot model rockets and went to the Natural History Museum. As part of the space exhibit, they had an alien on display that was on loan from from Area 51. The Alien was recovered from a flying saucer wreck in New Mexico. 

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