Sunday, June 1, 2003

RonniesPictureJournal 2003-006 June Pictures

2003 June Pictures

June 04, 2003. The fire department was called to cool down some really "hot" elementary school teachers, and also some elementary kids. 

June 10, 2003. On the way home from work, some big green alien that was standing behind a store flashed the peace sign at me when I drove by. 

June 11, 2003. I was driving to Beatty for a work assignment when I saw some smoke in the distance. I pulled off of the road and drove over to a site that looked like a war zone. One vehicle was shot full of holes and bad been burned. 

This part of Nevada is where Area 51 is located and there are often space alien in the area. Although most aliens are friendly, there are a few alien gangs that roam the galaxies and occasionally stop at occupied planets to cause trouble and destroy things. I kept getting the feeling someone or something was watching me, which made me a little nervous; so I left the area and headed for Carrara.

When I arrived in Carrara, the alien gangs had apparently been there because the town had been completely destroyed and there were only a few walls left standing. I was the only person in Carrara, so I did not spend a long time before heading for Beatty. (See RonnieAdventure April 10, 2015, Blog #147 for more information on Carrara.)

All of the buildings on the outskirts of Beatty had also been destroyed, including an entire residential subdivision! The only living thing I encountered was what looked like a large yellow man-eating plant that kept flicking its long red tongues at me. 

The gas station was gone, but the pump was still standing. There were also a lot of electrical hookups, but no buildings.

My job assignment was at Jackass International Airport, which was still functional. The airport manager told me that business was so slow, and the airport land rent was so high, they were going to close the facility. 

On the way home I passed by Fort Amargosa and all I could see were some sand dunes that went on for several miles. Fortunately, I made it home safely. 

June 13-20, 2003. After all of my escapes with the aliens, we decided on a vacation in Park City, Utah. Before reaching Park City, we stopped in Lehi to celebrate Andrew's birthday and then Andrew went with us to Park City.  

Visitors come from throughout the solar system to vacation in Park City, and Andrew quickly made friends with one of the alien kids staying at the resort. Several times they played chess together on an outdoor chess mat. Andrew always won, but was accused of moving the pieces around when no one was watching. (See RonnieAdventure November 11, 2019, Blog #386 for more information on Park City.)

We spent one day at Utah Olympic Park and then Brent came up for a day and we went mountain biking at one of the ski resorts. I was going to try the ski jump; but when I looked down from the top, I changed my mind, even though the skiers landed in a pool of water. The jump must have really been slick because the skiers were turning and flipping after they went off of the jump, before they hit the water.

June 21, 2003. We followed backroads home and drove by some stone "coke ovens" in Utah. The ovens were located close to the railroad track and they were still in very good condition. 

The Baker Archeological Site was just across the border in Nevada, a few miles north of Baker. Located in Baker were some creative sculptures in front of a store. 

The was more interesting art work along the road that ran from Baker out to Wheeler Peak. Some of my favorite art projects were "The Horse With No Name" and "Too Tall Tony." Tony was buried with his boots on, but he was too tall for the grave they dug; so they just buried his upper body half and left his legs sticking out of the grave. Friendly aliens provided some of the art projects. 

June 22, 2003. After Baker we stopped by Lunar Crater National Natural Landmark and the trail was so bad that our vehicle was completely covered with a loose silt that got into everything. After trying to clean my vehicle, we followed the Extraterrestrial Highway to Rachel, a small community along the perimeter of Area 51 that provides services to galactic travelers. In the store/restaurant we visited with a family that was having trouble with their saucer and had to have it towed into town for repairs. (See RonnieAdventure February 13, 2015, Blog #139 for more information on Rachel.)

June 24-27, 2003. I was working in the Blue Diamond and Pahrump areas for the rest of the week. When traveling in this area, drivers always have to watch for wild animals on the road because it is open range grazing. 

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